Monday, September 14, 2009

Houston's last TV interview was in 2002, when she told Diane Sawyer she makes "too much money to smoke crack. Crack is whack."Before Oprah Winfrey sat down with Whitney Houston for her first post-"crack is whack" interview, airing Today Monday, the talk host wanted to make sure the resurgent singer was up to the task. Her response? She wanted to "tell the truth" about her troubles, The thing most shocking to me is that Whitney tried to make herself smaller to fit in a marriage so the man could be bigger. How many women have done that? I deeply felt for her. She was trying to be the good wife. She really, true Love Him The best thing she could have done is divorcing Bobby Brown. He really seemed to bring her down. . I wish her the best and hope she makes a memorable comeback. Also, hopes she stays away from Bobby Brown...

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